Bringing Hell to Earth
by Olaf H. Hage III
Humanity has, it seems, always been divided into two conflicting camps. Just as the ancient peoples of the world had a nearly universal tale of a Great Flood, so also did they tell the story of the two primordial brothers at the dawn of civilization: the herder and the farmer. The two contended together until the farmer killed the herder and fled into exile to form a clan that has never been at peace with the rest of the human family.
In the Biblical account, of course, this is the story of Cain, the farmer, who kills his brother Abel, the shepherd. Cain attempts to conceal the body, but God is not fooled. Cain is sent into exile with his twin sister-wife. The pair are doomed to wander the earth, yet inexplicably, we are told that Cain defiantly stops and builds a city shortly after a son is born to him. (cf. Genesis 4:17) He has clearly not repented but remains openly defiant of God.
In the later version given by the Jewish historian Josephus at the close of the first century, writing in his Antiquities, he relates a tradition that Cain actually built two cities: Enoch and Ur, supposedly named after his first two sons. The latter may be named after Hor, a dimly-recalled figure known to the Egyptians as “Horus the Elder.”
In any case, Cain’s wife is called “AS’T” in Genesis. This is essentially identical to the Egyptian “Auset” that the Greeks later expressed as “Isis.” No controversy there... But the implication is that Cain would be her twin brother-husband Osiris, who had been called “Asar” by the Egyptians. And indeed, the word “AS’R” does appear in Genesis in both the story of Cain and the tale of the Nephilim interbreeding with mankind. But the translators have chosen to interpret it as merely the Hebrew pronoun expressing the idea of “that unnamed thing which” acts upon something else (Strong’s # 834 אשׁר). But before the vowel points were invented early in the Christian era, it could also have been read as the proper name of a man or his clan or happiness (Strong’s #833, אשׁר, Strong’s #835 אשׁר, Strong's #836, אשּׁר, Strong's #837 אשׁר, Strong's #838 אשׁר, Strong's #839 אשׁר).
If Cain and his sister-wife were actually the biblical versions of Osiris and Isis, it would solve a host of mysteries about the origin of this strange couple.
The Egyptians claimed that Osiris had migrated into the Nile Valley from a land due east of Egypt, that is, from the region of the Holy Land, or more precisely, from just south of it, near the ancient caves that became Petra in Jordan. These caves were first known as the home of the “Horites” or “Orites.” (Borgia 2002, p. 8) Much later they became a colony of Edom. To this day, one of the most prominent caves at Petra is still called the “Khaznat el-Faroun” or “Treasury of the Pharaoh” although the identity of this legend’s Egyptian ruler is unknown. (Borgia 2002, p. 31) However, this “Cave of Treasures” was early in the Christian era linked to the family of Adam and Eve and said to have been their home and the original burial place of Adam. (Book of Adam and Eve 2011, II: 1-9)
These mysteries would be solved if Osiris, the first Pharaoh, had been born in that cave and claimed the right of inheritance to the relics and dominion of Adam and Eve.
This now leads to the claims of the other side of the family, namely, of Seth, who was declared the successor of the slain Abel and who fathered a royal priestly line. They argued that Cain-Osiris had disqualified himself and had lost his eldership right to inherit.
The history of Mankind was now set upon an inevitable series of clashes between the two contending royal lineages. The Egyptians, as might be expected, painted Seth as the villain, the source of all the evils of the world, blaming him for every twist of fate or ill weather. Moreover, they said that, while Osiris was the secret son of their god Ra, Seth was merely the son of Geb (“Geh-Ab”), the “earth-father” (a play on words denoting Adam’s origin from the dust of “Adamah,” or “mother-earth.”
The rabbinical tradition did not disagree, except it identified the secret father of Cain-Osiris as Satan. (Ginzberg, Legends of the Bible 1909, 1992, p. 54) This set up the equation Ra = Satan, and it followed that the rest of the hierarchy of Ra’s Egyptian pantheon, who were the models for much of the rest of the gentile world’s ancient deities, were fallen angels or their offspring known as the sons of the Nephilim. This identification was inherited by early Christians, but was often rejected by the Gnostic heretics, who sometimes elevated select angels to exalted status.
The Catholic Church, hoping to curry favor with all but the Jews, tried to chart a middle course in which some angels were adored, many pagan gods and goddesses became Catholic saints, and Cain was just an errant son of Adam. Rome has since tried to renounce some of its fake saints, but the faithful continue to honor them.