Ancient "Summary" Evil 2024

Wickedness Desiring to Rule the World

Bringing Hell to Earth

The Lost Pyramind Prophecy

by Olaf H. Hage III

Humanity has, it seems, always been divided into two conflicting camps. Just as the ancient peoples of the world had a nearly universal tale of a Great Flood, so also did they tell the story of the two primordial brothers at the dawn of civilization: the herder and the farmer. The two contended together until the farmer killed the herder and fled into exile to form a clan that has never been at peace with the rest of the human family.

In the Biblical account, of course, this is the story of Cain, the farmer, who kills his brother Abel, the shepherd. Cain attempts to conceal the body, but God is not fooled. Cain is sent into exile with his twin sister-wife. The pair are doomed to wander the earth, yet inexplicably, we are told that Cain defiantly stops and builds a city shortly after a son is born to him. (cf.Genesis 4:17) He has clearly not repented but remains openly defiant of God.

In the later version given by the Jewish historian Josephus at the close of the first century, writing in his Antiquities, he relates a tradition that Cain actually built two cities: Enoch and Ur, supposedly named after his first two sons. The latter may be named after Hor, a dimly-recalled figure known to the Egyptians as “Horus the Elder.”

In any case, Cain’s wife is called “AS’T” in Genesis. This is essentially identical to the Egyptian “Auset” that the Greeks later expressed as “Isis.” No controversy there... But the implication is that Cain would be her twin brother-husband Osiris, who had been called “Asar” by the Egyptians. And indeed, the word “AS’R” does appear in Genesis in both the story of Cain and the tale of the Nephilim interbreeding with mankind. But the translators have chosen to interpret it as merely the Hebrew pronoun expressing the idea of “that unnamed thing which” acts upon something else (Strong’s # 834 אשׁר). But before the vowel points were invented early in the Christian era, it could also have been read as the proper name of a man or his clan or happiness (Strong’s #833, אשׁר, Strong’s #835 אשׁר, Strong's #836, אשּׁר, Strong's #837 אשׁר, Strong's #838 אשׁר, Strong's #839 אשׁר).