Ancient "Summary" Evil 2024

Wickedness Designed to Rule the World

Bringing Hell to Earth

Sons and Daughters of Belial

The Lost Pyramid Prophecy - Part II

For many people today, all these things are nonsense. They dismiss it all as myth. Yet the old Jewish legends and their parallel traditions among other ancient cultures around the world (even in India, China and the Americas) suggest otherwise. Is it possible that we yet possess evidence of these tales from those nearly-forgotten epochs?

The Bible came to refer to the line of Cain as the Sons of Belial. And, it perhaps is not hard to understand that beleaguered Israelite leaders would see themselves as a tiny band of shepherds amid a sea of gentile adversaries. The Israelite people, then, became but a Little Flock among the pagan wolves of Belial.

The term “The Little Flock,” which Jesus employed in His sermons, had long been an astrological reference to the sign we now call “The Little Dipper.” Many zodiac terms occur in the New Testament, such as Jesus’ reference to “the house” of a man carrying a “Water Jar,” the common term for the sign of Aquarius at the time. The New Testament book with the most zodiacal allusions is Revelation, a book of prophecy.

In those days, astronomy and astrology were the same. Jewish tradition said that Adam’s son Seth, and his priests, not only had named the stars and had defined the constellations of the zodiac, but had also built two monuments in Egypt in order to preserve their prophetic wisdom to survive two future (to them) age-ending cataclysms:

They (Seth’s line) were also the inventors of that specific science that deals with the heavenly bodies and their motions. And to prevent their discoveries from being lost before they could be fully known (by the world), reacting to Adam’s prediction that “the world will be destroyed at a (future) time by the fury of fire, but at another time by a violent deluge of water,” they (Seth’s line) made two (large) monuments, one of brick, the other of stone. They inscribed their discoveries on both of them, so that, in case the brick monument was destroyed by a flood, the stone edifice might survive and reveal these discoveries to mankind and reveal that the other brick monument had also been erected by them. Now this (stone structure) remains in the land of Siriad (Sirius = Egypt) to this day.” (Josephus 2016, I: ii: 3) (Ginzberg, Legends 1909, 1956, 1994, p. 62, my rendering in modern English for clarity)

Josephus said the expected Deluge has occurred. I reckon it as the melt-off at the end of the last ice age, when global sea-level abruptly rose 300 feet causing an up-lift of America: A huge tidal wave swept the Atlantic, flooded the Mediterranean basin, and washed the Caucasus and Mount Ararat. (Spain, North Africa, Italy, Greece, Turkey, and the Mideast have since dried out, but the new sea-level has left submerged all the old ice-age settlements that previously flourished on the world’s now-flooded seacoasts.)

The destruction by fire has not yet happened. So, the stone monument of Seth’s priests still stands. The quest for it has focused on the Sphinx, perhaps 9,000 years old, and the Great Pyramid, whose core masonry may be as old, if not older. (Schoch and McNally 2004, pp. 278-298)

The rabbis said Seth’s language, capable of being inscribed in either stone or brick, was intended to survive both the Deluge and the future destruction of the world by fire. Moreover, they expected the survivors, even of the fire yet to come, to be able to understand those inscribed messages.

This is a puzzle, for scholars say no such ice-age language existed. Although they dispute whether language originated north or south of the Black Sea, they date all western languages 6,000-8,500 or so years ago, not even half-way back to the ice age. (Butler 2016)

The Sumerian archaeologists insisted Sumer was first to perfect written language. They rejected all competing claims so that they alone sat upon the academic throne ruling over the remains of the supposed first true human civilization.

Discoveries far older than Sumer now refute such claims. For example, Gobekli Tepe, near Edessa (Urfa) in Turkey, had inscribed symbols that are 6,000 years older than Sumer. They are not mere symmetrical decoration, although they are on pillars representing men. So far, symbols are found only on Gobekli Tepe’s oldest and finest pillars, mysteriously buried roughly 65 years after being set up c. 11,600 years ago. (Mann 2011)

These symbols may read right-to-left like Hebrew, but have shapes like our letters (originally Phoenician): I, U (= V), C (= L), D, W (= S), H and an H-like N. The Russian alphabet still uses this H form as its N. The I, V, L, C, and D shapes match Roman numerals. Latin was unusual, using only a few letters as numbers. Hebrew and Greek used the whole alphabet; corresponding letters usually had the same numerical values. Hebrew, Greek and Latin shared their basic alphabet with the Phoenician language.

Latin was derived from Phoenician around 750 B.C. Yet, the way Latin used its handful of numerals made it difficult to do calculations. They were so hard to use that calculating its calendar (which, we shall see, was derived from the priestly house of Eli) became a hopeless muddle by the time of Julius Caesar. So, he asked Cleopatra’s Egyptian advisor, Sosigenes, to come to Italy and completely revise Rome’s antiquated calendar.

Julius Caesar should have realized that the cumbersome Roman numerals were part of the problem. After Caesar’s death, his new calendar quickly fell into error. It is now generally accepted that the Byzantine Empire’s use of Roman numerals caused it to linger in an unscientific Dark Age while the superior Arabic number system (which we also now use) let Islam make major advancements in spite of its humble desert origins.

Could it be that Latin was handicapped by a too-primitive numbering method that had somehow survived for thousands of years in spite of its obvious shortcomings?

The Latin system was no longer competitive with newer mathematical ideas. It was an obsolete system: a last, lingering remnant of a very ancient system that had long outlived its usefulness in most applications. Why did people cling to it for so long?

The House of the High Priest Eli, exiled by Solomon from his Tabernacle (I Kings 1:1-2:35), well before the founding of Rome’s calendar, partially migrated to Phoenician Tyre (like other Israelites: I Kings 7:13-14), and then accompanied Phoenician sailors who settled Rome. So around 750 B.C., priests of Eli brought a flawed version of their old lunar calendar to Rome. They may also have brought those clumsy Latin numerals.

Yet by 750 B.C., Phoenicia and Israel were not using this obsolete numeral system. Therefore, if the house of Eli was using these numerals, it must have inherited them from a much earlier time, most likely from their secret priestly wisdom handed down by their ancient Abrahamic ancestors. Could these symbols go back to Gobekli Tepe?